Learning Classes
Cost-free education for women and families in our community.
Our incentive-based Learning Classes will help our patients feel equipped and confident to be a parent. Classes are usually built around a professional, evidence-based curriculum, followed by a discussion with their Patient Advocate.
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Earn While You Learn (EWYL)
Collect points while you learn essential childbirth and parenting skills, in a comfortable and relaxed one-on-one setting with your Patient Advocate. Then “cash-in” your points for new baby clothes, furniture, diapers or other items. Topics include proper nutrition and health tips during each trimester; what to expect during labor; bringing baby home, etc. Emotional topics including handling stress, postpartum depression, and what to do when the baby is sick, are also covered.
Healthy Relationships
A new baby can be very stressful, and stress can be hard on a relationship. Learning how to navigate change, while creating a new family can be difficult. This curriculum for couples, will help give you the knowledge and tools to not only adapt to change, but to thrive in the midst of change. One-on-one class time will also cover healthy boundaries, communication, and resolving conflict.
Money management, writing a resume, interviewing skills, and other practical skills are covered in this class module. One-on-one class will be customized to suit your needs.